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2019 Inflexion of cruise traffic in Ravenna
05.07.2019 2019 Inflexion of cruise traffic in Ravenna

In Ravenna, traffic suffers from the consequences of delays in the port HUB project for dredging the seabed of the entire port.

Despite the good potential of the destination, with Ravenna city guardian of many treasures part of the UNESCO heritage and the proximity to many other places of tourist interest, passenger traffic records its historic minimum this year.

Ravenna Cruise Port, however, continues to have reasonable optimism about possible future developments and is constantly committed to keeping the Cruise Lines' attention alive on the Ravenna destination, also through the marketing actions carried out with the supervision and coordination of Global Ports Holding .

Ravenna Cruise Port is part of the great network of Global Ports Holding (GPH), the most important independent cruise terminal operator in the world, which boasts a consolidated presence in the Mediterranean, in the Atlantic and in the Asia-Pacific regions, including some important commercial ports in Turkey and Montenegro.

With the recent addition of the cruise terminals of La Habana (Cuba), Zadar (Croatia) and Antigua (Antigua and Barbuda), GPH manages a portfolio of 18 ports in 10 countries, where more than 3,500 calls of cruise ships are held each year.

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